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Charles Bricout

./About -- ./Research -- ./Projects -- ./Cool Stuff

Low Tech Web

Here are some interesting links related to low-tech web and sustainability:

  • Hugo : A static website generator written in Go (used for this website).
  • Marginalia : A search engine to find obscure and small websites.
  • Dither Me This : A really cool image dithering program.
  • LowTech and IT : A French project led by a teacher from Université de Technologie de Compiègne .
  • Website Carbon : A tool to estimate the carbon emissions of your websites.
  • Gemini : A client-server protocol serving gemtext documents for a simpler web.

Fresk (or Collage) Workshops

I enjoy (and recommend) the different Fresk workshops , the most well-known being the Climate Fresk . I’ve also participated in the Planetary Frontiers, Numérique (Digital), Nutrition, and Biodiversity Fresks, which are also excellent (though currently available only in French). The Fresk movement also raises awareness about social inequalities. I especially like the Diversity Fresk, which challenges your knowledge about the impacts and issues of diversity in our societies and how we can address them.

As I believe that social dynamics are an important lever to tackle social inequalities and ecological urgency, I decided to actively participate in this movement by becoming an animator myself. At present, I have learned and feel comfortable animating:

  • The 2 Tons workshop , which is a fun way to learn about our carbon footprint and how we can, both individually and collectively, shift our lifestyles to reach 2 tons of CO₂ per person per year by 2050.
  • The Biodiversity Collage , designed to “understand the challenges and pressures around biodiversity, through a fun, collaborative, visual, and accessible workshop based on the IPBES report.”
  • The Low-Tech Fresk , which teaches about the sustainability of technologies.

If you would like to participate in one of this workshop, please reach out !

Awareness Games

Here are a few fun games that help educate about climate urgency: